August Reading List
August was a busy month! I only now realized that I have not posted the reading list for August and now that I am thinking back on what I read, I can't come up with much. I think it was a combination of recovering from the hospital, several trips from Spokane to Seattle and Portland, and that whole moving to Turkey thing that had me strapped for time.
I'm sure all of the "see you in two years" goodbyes also kept me from reading my normal quota.
1. "Thursday Next: First Among Sequels"
by Jasper Fforde-- If you have been reading my monthly reading re-caps at all, you know I love this series. This one does not disappoint. Thursday saves the world from eminent destruction (again), helps Spike with some pesky demons, and still manages to yell at her teen-aged son to get his hair out of his eyes.
And that's all that I finished. A rousing list of one book. I need to get back to form because this is just embarrassing to admit. I have two weeks left in September and I hope to read at least two more books for the next list.
I'm sure all of the "see you in two years" goodbyes also kept me from reading my normal quota.
1. "Thursday Next: First Among Sequels"
And that's all that I finished. A rousing list of one book. I need to get back to form because this is just embarrassing to admit. I have two weeks left in September and I hope to read at least two more books for the next list.
I'm right there with you sis - I thought my time in Juneau would get me through my stack, but no such luck. When I'm done with work I'm still so wound up with work that I can't focus. Different reasons from your, but same result.