Getting a Bit Worried

This evening, I've been poking around the blog world to see what is out there.  Every now and then I think it is good to just wander around the blog-es-sphere and see what sort of company I keep.

Today, I'm a bit worried.

You know that link at the top of the page that says, "Next Blog"? Well, that is the cause of my worry.

When I hit that link, I am whisked away to blogs featuring many pictures of small children (presumably belonging to the blogger), blogs about scrap-booking, blogs about knitting, and blogs written by stay-at-home-church-lady types from the South.

My worry is this: Do I belong in this company?

You can tell, from my worry, that I don't believe I belong in this group.  I would rather belong to a category like "creative wordy" or "passionate dabbler" than to be labeled with all of the scrap-bookers out there (not that I haven't scrap-booked).

If you know how the "Next Blog" is selected, I would love to know.  If you know how to influence what blogs come up next, I'd love to know.  Please tell me if you have any insight into this strange company I find myself unknowingly keeping.

I will also suggest to my fellow bloggers to take time to visit the "Blogs of Note" tab on the dashboard page.  I found a great voice today that I will now be cyber stalking.  I know you don't mind!


  1. The next blog button always take me to a foreign blog...always. what's that say?

  2. I think it's just a button that sends you to random blogs. They keep sending me to paint and art blogs, and I don't even know how to hold a brush properly.

  3. I always seem to end up on Spanish speaking (writing?) blogs or ones written by people who have a penchant for cars. Neither of which is of much interest to me.

    Thank you very much for the plug - I appreciate it.

    I shall follow your blog. I look forward to reading more of your stuff!


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