Cari's Book Blog
She was a blog of note in the last few days, but if you missed her Cari's Book Blogs reviews books that may be up your alley. Here is a bit from her home page:
"I am an adult who loves to read. I read a lot of fiction, mystery, suspense and I am a huge fan of the YA Genre. GASP! Yes you can love YA and not be a teen or a mom. I review books, give you news, release dates, and really just talk about my love of books."
Check her out if you need something to read. She has hundreds of posts that you can browse and you can also look at her reading list for other ideas.
"I am an adult who loves to read. I read a lot of fiction, mystery, suspense and I am a huge fan of the YA Genre. GASP! Yes you can love YA and not be a teen or a mom. I review books, give you news, release dates, and really just talk about my love of books."
Check her out if you need something to read. She has hundreds of posts that you can browse and you can also look at her reading list for other ideas.
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