Feed the Soul
I have had a wonderful week of Portlandic visiting.
A few things have hit me pretty hard about what it is to be a woman in this, our modern American world.
First the down side: many women feel the need to put one another down in order to feel good about themselves. This really makes me mad because I see women who I know are wonderful, helpful, considerate people being put down and made to feel bad about talents they happen to have.
Case in point: one woman I know works with a "bunch of sharks". The lady I know is really good a selling things, and she happens to sell a rather expensive product now. The other ladies she works with are not as good at selling things. Instead of working with my friend or learning from her, they have decided to gang up on her and make her life miserable.
Ladies: Why do we do this to each other? We need to set our own insecurities aside so that we can get better!
Now the up side: I have a network of ladies in my life who have risen above this non-sense and work to support each other.
Case in point: The ladies I know at CBA. It has been over a year since I was able to take a class with Miss Sarah at CBA in Portland. Yet on Wednesday when I showed up for the one ballet class that I can take this summer, I was welcomed, remembered, and supported. These women are wonderful. If you live in Portland and need a community of women who will care for you: check out the class info here.
I guess what I've learned this week is that I am a lucky girl to have such wonderful women in my life, even if I only get to see them one day a year.
A few things have hit me pretty hard about what it is to be a woman in this, our modern American world.
First the down side: many women feel the need to put one another down in order to feel good about themselves. This really makes me mad because I see women who I know are wonderful, helpful, considerate people being put down and made to feel bad about talents they happen to have.
Case in point: one woman I know works with a "bunch of sharks". The lady I know is really good a selling things, and she happens to sell a rather expensive product now. The other ladies she works with are not as good at selling things. Instead of working with my friend or learning from her, they have decided to gang up on her and make her life miserable.
Ladies: Why do we do this to each other? We need to set our own insecurities aside so that we can get better!
Now the up side: I have a network of ladies in my life who have risen above this non-sense and work to support each other.
Case in point: The ladies I know at CBA. It has been over a year since I was able to take a class with Miss Sarah at CBA in Portland. Yet on Wednesday when I showed up for the one ballet class that I can take this summer, I was welcomed, remembered, and supported. These women are wonderful. If you live in Portland and need a community of women who will care for you: check out the class info here.
I guess what I've learned this week is that I am a lucky girl to have such wonderful women in my life, even if I only get to see them one day a year.
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