NaNoWriMo Failure

I'm putting this out there as a way to motivate myself and hold myself accoutable for my NaNoWriMo commitment. 

This year I have made my goal 20,000 words for the month of November.  Last year, I went whole hog and did 50,000, but this year events like loosing our department chair, a heavy teaching load, and teaching two brand new curriculum that have not been fully designed yet, I'm a bit short on time.  So far, I have a scant 5,000 words.

I got to get my butt in gear!

So, could you help me?

I need some encouragement and some of my trusted friends to keep me honest about my work. 

It's not that I don't have the time.  I have just been choosing to use my time in different ways.  Some things I had to do, like get my grades done for the report cards, but other things I have wanted to do, like watch a mini marathon of "The Vampire Diaries". 

And, for the record, it's not that I have not been writing.  I've just been writing blog posts and creating pages to keep my students informed about classes, and writing assignments and other curriculum for the classes I teach.  You can check out my virtual classroom here.

I wonder where I would be at if I counted all of those words too!


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