"Veronica Mars" Movie Coming Soon

I'm a fan of Veronica Mars.  I love the quirky noir aspects of the show and the one line zingers that Veronica delivers.  Although it only ran three seasons, there is a huge fan following out there for it still.  You can get the overview here at iMDb if you'd like. 

Last week, this showed up on Kickstarter.com:

What?  There is going to be a movie if they can reach 2M?  Awesome.  Well they made that goal in less than 24 hours.

Now what?  Well, give them some more moolah so that they can make an even better movie.  I chipped in my $35, and you can too. Here is the link to the Kickstarter page so you can donate.

And if that wasn't enough, those of you living in the USA can watch episodes from the WB here.  I thin you should watch them all, and then do it again.  I mean, there are only three seasons.  You can knock that out in one marathon weekend of viewing.  It's not like "Battlestar Galactica" that had four seasons plus a movie, and I know you've watched that all in one sitting. 


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