Birthday Partying it Up!

I've gotten a year older.  Again.  No big deal.

This year, I hosted a little get together the weekend before my actual birthday, which also happened to be the Day of the Dead/All Souls Day weekend.  It inspired the theme for the party and people (thankfully) got into it!

Me with my crazy flower crown.  You can see one of the 8 flower arrangements I had in the background.

These shots are from my practice run at the make-up.

My friend Joe Beard and his take on the theme.

I made sure my outfit was filled with colors!  You can also see the sugar skull decorations.

My neighbors, Mira and Emily.

Me with the boys, Noel and Geoff. 
The party was fun and it gave people a reason to dress-up for Halloween with out really  needing to come up with a costume.  I had a face painting station all set up in my bathroom, and people could arrive as they are and then get the make-up on after they arrived. 

I also had a make-up removing station for the end of the party.


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