The danger, when you travel with only one other person, of looking like you love to have your picture taken is great. The issue is that someone needs to be behind the camera taking the shot, and in our marriage, that person is not me. Adam takes a better shot, has a better camera, and includes both the tops of heads and the whole (whatever it is) in the background. I tend to cut off heads, leave out the interesting (whatever it is) in the background, have an older camera that I refuse to believe needs to be replaced, and compose pictures differently than him. Thus, Adam snaps and I pose.
"Yummy" on the Koln, Germany trip. |
These are some of the better shots that I have gleaned from his account. You can go
here to see more of his pictures. This shot of me from above is a good one. In Germany, as we were ramping up for a day of Christmas Market shopping, we got breakfast at this little shop. It's a cereal bar called "Yummy". You select your cereal, musli, or what not, from the bins and then they serve it with milk or plain yogurt. One bowl of cereal was not going to cut it for me, so I have the blueberry buckle waiting to be devoured in my lap. There was no space on the table with the coffee cups for my other breakfast, so it went in my lap.
The awesome hat that Kris made me. |
This is a shot from the trip to Oslo. This is outside of the castle we took the tour of. I can't believe the grass was green, because it was so damn cold that day and the ice was on the fjords closing them. Evidently Oslo was far enough south that the sea kept the harbor warm enough for the grass.
This red Helly Hansen jacket has seen a lot of miles. |
This is me at the Kelebek Hotel in Gorem. This is in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. The snow was fantastically big flakes and made me feel like I was in a snow globe.
Again with the Helly Hansen jacket! |
This one is from Norway. This one, and the one below, was taken during a day trip we took to Drobak, a town to the south of Oslo. Adam went to see the lutefisk museum and I wanted to see the Christmas House. I think we were both disappointed in those things, but we had fun looking around the town and being good and cold.
Those boots were soaking wet soon after this shot. I wish we had an REI nearby. |
This is the cutest library ever. This is one of a series that I am taking with my Cedar Mill "I Volunteer" bag. I'm sending them all back to the library's volunteer coordinator and Shawn gets a big kick out of this.
We were laughing so hard that Adam's smile is real! |
And just to prove that I do take a picture once in a while, here is one of Adam in Oslo. This is the littlest car in the world. In the space a normal car would use to park NEXT to the curb, this car has BACKED into the curb. It is about 2/3 of its length wide. That would be a cozy ride for two, and have fun with any packages or bags in addition to the people.
Today is A's birthday. She is super amazing, if you didn't know. You can read her blog
"Alaska, Jane. Jane, Alaska" if you want to get to know her better. On the post I link to here, you can see the amazing stamp Adam and I got for her.
I'm thinking that this would be a great gift for one of my lucky readers in honor of this, my 100th post. If you'd like a similar stamp with your very own name on it, leave me a message explaining what you like about this blog and what you would like to read more about in the future. I'll choose the person who gives me the best reply, as this is a 100% biased, totally rigged, non-fair event.
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