Lovely Paris

We really got to know the subway as we stayed in the 19th, not the city center.

 The first week of April, Adam and I went to Paris for a week.  These are some pictures of things that don't really fit into any theme, but are just great shots of what Paris is in April.

Everything was in bloom while we were there.  This tree is in the Louvre Gardens.

We had lovely, lovely wine with nearly every meal.

Adam with a wine inspired smile

When we didn't have wine, we had coffee.  The coffee was often more than the wine!

Glorious, flaky croissants!

A fountain from in front of "Shakespeare and Co. Books"

A living building... I love vertical gardening!

A dope classic bike.

Lovely tulips that are the halmark of the season.

Totally cute cafe which are everywhere


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