EWU Pub Meet

Groups of people sometimes come together for the most random reasons. This last week Adam and I went to a meeting of EWU Alumni here in Portland. The group is small, and, other than Otto and Bob, everyone in the photo was there for the first time. We drank beer, discussed how different each of our experiences at EWU were, and had a fun time overall.

Otto, in the white shirt and yellow tie, had brought a bunch of SWAG from the Alumni Outreach people, so I scored a shirt and a Eagle pin. I don't know how useful this networking group will be for career opportunities, but I like the idea of creating a scholarship that can help kids who want to go to the school.

Next month we are going to meet at a winery and enjoy a wine tasting as the last event of the year. November and December are hard months to squeeze anything extra into with the holidays.



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