The Little Things

Today, in the US at least, is Thanksgiving Day.  The fourth Thursday of November this year has little in common with the 31 fourth Thursdays in November before it on the surface.

Point number one-- The schools were open today ergo I worked.  To my US teaching counterparts, I hope you did enough relaxing for the both of us, because my day was busy and not in a self created busy, I'm cooking sort of way.

Point number two-- People were grouchy.  I don't remember people ever being grouchy on Thanksgiving before.  Hungry, yes. Tired, yes. rather being anywhere but with their so-not-cool family, yes.  But grouchy, no.  Grouchiness is not allowed on a day marked for giving thanks.

Point number three-- Their are no sales tomorrow.  There is no extra large paper, heavy with ads from Target, Sears, and Walgreen's for me to thumb through and take a pen to.  There will be no midnight specials or 5 am openings to wait in line at for the $5 40 G flash drive.  (By the way, I like one of those if you're going to be waiting in line for them anyway, so grab me one!)

Point number four-- Not that I would have seen ALL of my family today, but I would have seen SOME of them.  Here I see NONE of them.  Well, you know Adam's here, but he's here every day and you know what I mean.  None of the Johnson's are here to tease me.  None of the Harris' are here to tease Adam.  We are tease-less and it sucks.

Point number five-- It's cold, gray, and not in a good way.  There is no chance of snow falling here.  There is ash falling from the smoke of coal fires, but no snow.  It's cold in a I'm-use-to-over-100-degree-extreme-heat cold.  For the next three days the high is 75 and the low is 50, and on Sunday, the day the campus community will have our Thanksgiving Pot-Luck, the high will be 80. 

Point number six-- Isn't five points enough?

What I'm trying to say is that I am thankful for all of the good memories that I have of past Thanksgiving's that are caring me through today.  I know I will be making good memories here that I will look back on some day, but that is out in the nebulous "someday" and on this very real "today" I'm missing all of you out there who with I may have been sharing pumpkin pie.

I'm also missing dad's stuffing, Mom's sweet potato, marshmallow, and cornflake numminess, Ariel's mashed potatoes, Grandma's chocolate pie, green jello salad, butter flake rolls, Oregon pinot noir, and gravy over all of it.

I will be attempting some of these dishes on Sunday.  I hope I can live up to my own food day dreams.

The rest of you should eat your left-overs will thoughts of me, and please relish (oh the relish tray!!) every bite you take.


  1. I've done a lot of away-from-home Thanksgivings and they're always hard. Admittedly, none of mine were in countries that didn't celebrate Thanksgiving, but it sucks nonetheless. I hope your belated Thanksgiving cooking went well.


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