Nearing the Big 100

I'm getting close to making my 100th blog posting and I'm trying to think of a way to celebrate.

It seems to me that in the blog world, the blogger gives gifts to the readers when something big happens.  So here's the deal: if you are my follower and have enjoyed reading all of my ramblings let me know in a message.  The message I like the best will win something fun.

I know most bloggers use a "random number generator" but let's not kid ourselves here-- I don't have that many readers.  And really, you can trade me a funny comment, or a story about what you enjoy on my blog and I'll pay you off with a token of my love and affection.

That said, I'm off to NaNoWriMo some more!  I'm still on target after four days, so this is a good start.  This weekend I have a date with a writing buddy to write for four hours and drink coffee, that sounds like a heavenly way to spend my birthday.

Though I gotta say that being the grammar Nazi that I am, leaving all of the text in its rough draft form is killing me right now.  I've had to start chanting the NaNoWriMo contract to myself to be able to focus on the 50,000 word goal.  So far, so good.


  1. So glad you are writing! Always thought there was a great novel inside you waiting to be put on paper! Enjoy!


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